Why are Failures so Common?
Risks are not identified and addressed before they become a crisis
A primary cause of project failure is a lack of awareness of all the potential risks that may beset a complex technology effort. Numerous risks must be identified and managed proactively. Each risk must be evaluated in terms of its probability of occurring , its impact on the project if it does occur, and a strategy to avoid it or mitigate its consequences. Without an effective risk mitigation strategy, the likelihood of your project failing increases dramatically. You can avoid the countless pitfalls that plague system implementation projects with the proper planning up front.
Learn more about how to proactively avoid or mitigate Risks.
The value proposition for the new system is never fully realized because Business Processes remain unchanged
Many associations fail to adequately address business process transformation as an integral part of implementing a new system. Without a well-defined plan for Business Process Change, you will fail to achieve the value and vision you expect from your new system. The time to start a Business Process Change initiative is not after your implementation is over, but rather as early in the project as possible. By managing Business Process Change throughout the evaluation, selection, and implementation process, you can ensure that your new system will be a success.
Learn more about how to make Business Process Transformation a core part of your strategy.
Budget & timeline expectations are not met
Numerous factors contribute to budget overruns and timeline delays. Scope creep due to an overly simplistic or high level RFP (or requirements document) is the most common cause of excess costs and missed schedules. A project schedule developed before all of your requirements have been defined, or that does not consider all of the tasks both you and your vendor need to perform, typically results in failing to meet unrealistic deadlines. By defining your detailed requirements up front and constructing a realistic project plan, you can avoid the scope creep and timeline delays that plague most projects.
Learn more about how to control your project’s Timeline and Budget.
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IT Guidance Framework