Business Process Change & Workflow Analysis

We analyze your business processes and collaborate with staff on potential changes that will improve customer service, productivity, and opportunities for increased revenue. We structure the project so your staff are actively engaged in providing input and ideas for improvements, guided by our knowledge and expertise in association business process transformation. The result will be meaningful and clearly understood business process workflow diagrams that document your current state (AS-IS), your desired state (TO-BE), and the benefits to be achieved by implementing specified changes.

The IT Guidance Framework leads you through our methodology step-by-step for how to identify and implement business process change as an integral part of selecting and implementing a new system. Your customized workflow diagrams become a vital component in your RFP, allowing prospective vendors to understand your expectations for the functions a new system should support. The diagrams are also used during the implementation process, where refinements are made based on the specific capabilities of your selected system.

Our methodology enables IT sponsored business process improvement to live beyond the life of your initial system implementation effort. It helps you create a foundation for continuous improvement that is adaptable to all of your organization’s systems.

See “Business Process Change” for additional information on how ISCG and the IT Guidance Framework can help you achieve the value you envision with your new AMS, LMS, or Website.



Contact us to learn more about the

IT Guidance Framework